Firstly, women are major heads in the development project of any organized society. University, the issues of women politics are low to compare the participation of men politics in political leadership. Although women and men does not have biological and physical makeup. They may share common traits or feature with men in terms of socio-economic status, educational aspect and occupation among others.
In African countries, Nigeria perspective, obnoxious social norms, political exclusion and economic lopsidedness dictate the presence and voice at women public life.
Thus, according to Nigeria census figure, women contribute higher population density than men, although women have gross gender gap to men, but that shall not make women to overhead men in Nigeria politics. This census, therefore, examines critically some factors that have bought about this wide and socio- economic disparity. Thus, the census argues that the various economic, political, social and systematic practices serve as obstacles to effective participation of women in politics, governance and decision making in Nigeria.
In many African countries, such as Nigeria, obnoxious social norms, political exclusion lopsidedness dictate and voice of women in public life. Political equality is obscure in African countries, although some progress has been made. As men have control over asset and have relatively better education, they have dominant position in terms of political power. For instance, men have councilors may not necessarily be highly educated but such positions are not given to women who have the same high educational level with the. Lack of awareness leads to situation where they become dependent on male political positions or political parties. Men’s participation in leadership will focus more on issues of men interest then on women concerns. Thus, women are elected into a leadership positions in the arm of government without actually participating actual leadership. In Nigeria, a lot of women lack effective poor or influence, especially in the federal government structure. Many of them do not have necessary skills to present ideas effectively. They lack awareness to political means which is inadequate contribution to public affairs and women’s empowerment because of that, they lack development in their inadequate representation, non-participation and non-involvement in preparation and execution of plans for their economic development and social justice through decentralized institution. In our country Nigeria women have limited access to decision making process, but they lack access to control over financial resources. This effectively reduces women chance of consisting election.
This factors militating women in politics in our country
Stereotypical constraints against women in striving to attain to political and organizational leadership roles to the highest level.
Exclusion women from obtaining their share of family inheritance thus, they don’t have right over and landed property.
Poor access to education and scholarship in various professions. It also affect women access to education and professions, which also limits their capacity to complete effectively with their male counterparts in the Labor market for lucrative jobs.
Since politics involves crime and corruption, women may have the powerful position to challenge to corruption in our country when it occurs.
Non-extension of equal right to all citizen, especially women because they are seen as second citizen in some part of the country, although women are made to see, that their position which they could occupy full is in kitchen.
Prospects of women participation in leadership in country. In the pre-colonial and colonial, Nigeria women never enjoyed parity with men in the issues governance. Although the history of political transformation in Nigeria is replete with issues of male determination and women tokenism in participation in public affairs. The political system in our country remains as male-centric as witnessed by the military dictatorship and in coming together of democracy civilian governance and structures and practices, the military era provide women with the least opportunity to challenge the structure of gender inequalities.
Integrating women in Nigerian politics can have equal right if all this are obeyed.
Reducing extreme poverty and economic empowerment of women.
Eliminating employment discriminating practices against women and addressing labor issues affecting women.
Empowerment of women in politics.
Constitutional provisions.
Inspiration of women who occupied and are occupying position of authority
There are sufficient evidences to prove that women are a veritable access in public offices.
The leadership roles played by both MRS. FUMITAYO RANSOME-KUTI and MRS. MARGRET EKPO in Nigeria Pre-independence political struggles of then 1950 are incontrovertible (SKALAR, 1963). Mrs. Kuti was a strong advocate and a campaigner for women’s right across the country. Mrs. Margret Ekpo, on her part, was the only female member of the seven men committee set up in 1951 to organize a national political organization geard toward achieving serf-government within five years. She became the vice president of the eastern house of chiefs in 1959. Indeed, it may well be that the women who spear handed the 1929 aba women riot in south eastern Nigeria were the precursors and role models of two better known female political activists (Ndukka, 2001). Professor (Mrs.) grace Alele Williams did not distinguish herself in the field of mathematics education but also rose to become the vice-chancellor of university of Benin. Thus, she is the first female Nigerian academic to be honored (Ndukka, 2001). Similarly, late Prof. Dora Nkem Akunyili (OFR). Who was the former director of national agency for food and drug administration and central reduced the incidence of fake drugs from about 90% to 68% of drugs in 2001 ( akunyili, 2006). Dr. (Mrs.) Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, successfully transformed the Nigerian economic platform when she succeeded in negotiating a debt relief package for as the finance minister (July, 2003-June 2006) under the Obasanajo regime and also spear headed the unpopular fuel subsidy removal policy by the Nigeria government which was led to protest in January 2012 under the Goodluck regime (Aina, 2012, groarty,2012). Thus, in all developing countries, women leaders abound, not just in politics but also in academics, private and public organization. (Fegbemi and Hassan, 2011). The forgoing are appropriate clarion calls for action. The rational of which is the development of leadership and leadership culture in our country.
Enhance women full right to vote and be voted for
Mobilization and re-education of Nigeria men towards women’s empowerment.
Favorable government politics to reduce poverty rate among women required.
Establishment of functionary ministry of women affairs will be most helpful to address the issue that are facing women.
Proposal and positive role-modeling by women who have broken the mold.
There should be greater attention to positive family values.
Breaking of negative religious, cultural and barriers to women development imperative.
Provision of favorable environment that will promote the employment of women including professional and technical training should be made.
Acquisition of the right leadership skills especially qualitative education.
There is no doubt or reason while women still remain highly marginalized in spheres of Nigeria life. This is more glaring now when proportion of men to women in politics and decision making positions is compared. Women should integrating politics
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