Friday, 11 November 2016

Cristiano Ronaldo wins the goal 50

Ronaldo received the Goal 50 award for best player in the world in the 2015/16 season, the Portuguese picked up the gaol 50 award for the fourth time in his career ( 2008/09, 2012/13, 2013/14 ).

 "For me it is an honour to receive this recognition, which is not just for me but for all of my teammates at Real Madrid and my national team. I feel very happy and proud".

"In response to receiving this award I would like to say what I have said throughout my career: you cannot achieve anything without ambition, without personal effort and without a team of fellow players and hard workers supporting you every single day. The day-to-day is the most important. I believe in effort, in sacrifice and in being a good professional”.

“It is not up to me how I should be remembered. I just consider myself to be a football player, a sportsman who from a young age has tried his hardest to be a good football player, to keep enjoying the game whilst being competitive and useful to my team. My aim is to always be at my best physical level and frame of mind in order to give everything I can to the team. My goal is to keep giving my best for the coach and for my teammates”. He added.

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