Wednesday, 21 December 2016

Join E cooperative today and start making money online

Join E cooperative today!!!
*About Ecooperative*
Its a system that helps you make money while u are at sleep.

When registering you will be asked to put your bank account details and ur phone no.

When you register the system will bring someone's account details to you so that you will pay to the person's account directly and the person will activate your account for you.
*The amount is just #1000* very little

Meanwhile the persons phone number will be shown to u so that u will call the person and tell the person that u want to pay the money.

So once the person sees the alert he will login his own account and approve ur account to level 1 bcos once u register u will be in Level 0 and if u don't upgrade to level 1 within 72hours ur account will be deleted

So also people will call u all day all night that they want to pay to ur account so u will activate their account for them.

Its cool join today and be rich.

Level 1:
No of Donnees 4
You donate #1,000
Received #4,000
Level 2:
No of Donnees 16
You donate #2,500
Received #40,000
Level 3:
No of Donnees 64
You donate #5,000
Received #320,000
Hurry now!! register with #1000 and and start earning.

Click here to register

Join our WhatsApp group for more info

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