It is a pilotless passenger aircraft
The European aerospace giant aims at building an uber-like air taxi that can beat the traffic by flying over it
"We are aiming to make the first certified passenger aircraft without pilot" - CEO , A³ Rodin Lyasoff wrote.
Some details about this aircraft has been revealed; it has a helicopter like struts, and two tilting wings with four electric motor each . it also has a room for passenger under a canopy that retracts like a motorcycle helmet visor
Rodin Lyasoff also wrote, "the aircraft we're building doesn't have a run away, is self piloted and can detect and avoid obstacles and other aircraft."
Airbus is set to develop Vahama thru A³ unit, which was launched this year in San Jose, California's tech community.
The project hopes to fly full size prototype by the end of 2017 and will be available for sale by 2020.
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