Monday, 24 October 2016

Some important codes for Android phones

Hello everyone, I saw some of these useful codes for your Android phones
Just wanna share some of them

If you just got an Android phone it's very important to check out for the RAM,camera information, battery mAh, Wi-Fi, etc..

To get started launch your phone default dialer

To check your phone status, battery mAh, usage statistics, and WiFi = *#*#4636#*#*
 The following options will appear see photo below for the options

To Check RAM version -->  *#*#3264#*#*

Check Touchscreen version -->  *#*#2664#*#*

Phone Proximity sensor test -->  *#*#0588#*#*

LCD display test -->  *#*#0*#*#*

Camera information -->  *#*#34971539#*#*
The following information will appear on your screen
•Update camera firmware in image
[Note : do not try this option]
 your phone camera will stop working
•Update camera firmware in SD card
•Get camera firmware version
•Get firmware update count

To change the power button , this enables you to end call with your power button  --> *#*#7594#*#*

To check battery status -->  *#*#0228#*#*

Audio test -->  *#*#0673#*#*

To backup all your media files -->  *#*#273283*255*663282*#*#*

Device test [vibration and backlight test] -->  *#*#0283#*#*

Light sensor test -->  *#*#0589#*#*

Other codes :

To reset your phone to factory mode , only erase application data and applications -->  *#*#7780#*#*
the following options will display on your screen
•Google account settings stored in your phone
•System and application data and settings
•Downloaded applications
It'll NOT remove:
•Current system software and bundled applications
•SD card files e.g. photos, music files, etc.
NB: Once you enter the code you will get the options to reset phone or cancell
So you have the chance to change your mind

To completely wipe off all , also reinstalls the phones firmwares -->  *2767*3855#

To enable test mode for your phone service activities -->  *#*#197328640#*#*

To display Wi-Fi mac-address -->  *#*#232338#*#*

Test your GPS -->  *#*#1472365#*#*

Another type of gps test -->  *#*#1575#*#*

To check your phone's Software and hardware information -->  *#*#12580*369#*#*

To check FTA sw version -->  *#*#1111#*#*

Bluetooth test -->  *#*#232331#*#*

Bluetooth device address -->  *#*#232337#*#

Note the above codes doesn't work for all Android phones

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