Just wanna share some of them
If you just got an Android phone it's very important to check out for the RAM,camera information, battery mAh, Wi-Fi, etc..
To get started launch your phone default dialer
To check your phone status, battery mAh, usage statistics, and WiFi = *#*#4636#*#*
The following options will appear see photo below for the options
To Check RAM version --> *#*#3264#*#*
Check Touchscreen version --> *#*#2664#*#*
Phone Proximity sensor test --> *#*#0588#*#*
LCD display test --> *#*#0*#*#*
Camera information --> *#*#34971539#*#*
The following information will appear on your screen
•Update camera firmware in image
[Note : do not try this option]
your phone camera will stop working
•Update camera firmware in SD card
•Get camera firmware version
•Get firmware update count
To change the power button , this enables you to end call with your power button --> *#*#7594#*#*
To check battery status --> *#*#0228#*#*
Audio test --> *#*#0673#*#*
To backup all your media files --> *#*#273283*255*663282*#*#*
Device test [vibration and backlight test] --> *#*#0283#*#*
Light sensor test --> *#*#0589#*#*
Other codes :
To reset your phone to factory mode , only erase application data and applications --> *#*#7780#*#*
the following options will display on your screen
•Google account settings stored in your phone
•System and application data and settings
•Downloaded applications
It'll NOT remove:
•Current system software and bundled applications
•SD card files e.g. photos, music files, etc.
NB: Once you enter the code you will get the options to reset phone or cancell
So you have the chance to change your mind
To completely wipe off all , also reinstalls the phones firmwares --> *2767*3855#
To enable test mode for your phone service activities --> *#*#197328640#*#*
To display Wi-Fi mac-address --> *#*#232338#*#*
Test your GPS --> *#*#1472365#*#*
Another type of gps test --> *#*#1575#*#*
To check your phone's Software and hardware information --> *#*#12580*369#*#*
To check FTA sw version --> *#*#1111#*#*
Bluetooth test --> *#*#232331#*#*
Bluetooth device address --> *#*#232337#*#
Note the above codes doesn't work for all Android phones
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