Monday, 10 April 2017

Four (4) things we should learn from Efe winner of Bbnaija 2017

Based on logistics

1. He was natural
2. He was truthful
3.He was outstanding
4. Good sense of humor

1. He was natural
    Based on logistics Efe was natural and down to earth - He represented the street where he came from ( streetitakeover) . he proved to Africa as a whole that Warri is always there to win ( Warri nor dey carri last ) ( Warri who ah be?? )

2. He was truthful
 Efe revealed his true origin, his family background, he made clear to everyone that he has nothing ( but of course em levels don change ) he was not fake like Gifty , Tboss , and TTT who denied his family all in the name of game and 25 million naira and a brand new SUV ... #smh

Efe during diary session

3.Good sense of humor 
 Efe was very lively and at times very calm ,
He is always doing things in the street way ( no forming sh*t )
Recall the time Cocoice as HOH used him to replace Gifty. During the diary session Efe said and I Qoute " e burst my kidney" Lol

4. He was outstanding
His name spoke for him as in ( Efe  which is interpreted Wealth )
He had above 50% of the Bbnaija fans supporting him

Based on logistics there are some many qualities in him 
Based on logistics I wish him the best .. Congratulations bro

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