Sunday, 16 April 2017

Must read : How some countries Celebrate Easter

Easter✝ celebrations Around the World

Brazil: In Brazil at the Mardi Gras celebrations, which happens just before Lent, the streets are filled with large processions of people, and floats marching, singing and dancing, over several days before Shrove Tuesday.

UK: Before the season of Lent on Shrove Tuesday, Pancake , races are held around the UK. People run down the road with a pancake in a frying pan while tossing and trying not to drop it!

Italy: On Easter, the Pope presides over a very large Mass Service in St Peter's Square in the Vatican City. It is also broadcast on Radio and T.V. all over the world.

Spain: On Ash Wednesday, Spanish Catholics have a cross made of ash put on their foreheads as a way of saying sorry to God. Children bring decorated palm leaves and branches to be blessed.

Portugal: On Good Friday in Portugal, large bonfires are lit. People burn straw dolls made to look like Judas – the apostle who betrayed Jesus – on them.

Greece: In Greek Orthodox Churches, a tomb⚰ is put in the centre of the Church⛪ during Good Friday as if it’s a funeral.

Germany: During the Palm Sunday service, the Priest sometimes rides to the service on a Donkey, just like CHRIST did when He entered Jerusalem.
Source: Duta

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